Update: Beyond the Lemonade Stand will begin on April 29th!
Due to overwhelming demand we are moving the date so we can accommodate more of YOUR kids. Please spread the word.
They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Yup! And, we like to add to that saying, get that lemonade, sell it, design an innovative social-impacting campaign around it, raise money, raise awareness, lobby some folks, volunteer and share it in thirsty places and use it to make a change in someone else’s lemon-y circumstance. And because we say all those things and truly believe that children can be and do all those things, we have created a 3- part workshop to guide and equip your mini- world changers aka YOUR children to go beyond the lemonade and its stand. Join us? It starts April 8th. Two hours on Monday’s either at 1pm for our homeschooling community, or at 4pm for our after-school crew. Register and pick your slot here and then watch your children show you their power as #changemakers and #socialinnovators